Highway 404 Road Crossing Improvement Project
Between 16th Avenue and Major Mackenzie Drive
Construction start: Summer 2023
Anticipated Completion: Early 2026
In partnership with the City of Markham and City of Richmond Hill, and in co-operation with the Ministry of Transportation Ontario, York Region is constructing a new road across Highway 404 to improve connectivity and accommodate growth.
Improvements include:
- Widening, extending and connecting Orlando Avenue in the City of Richmond Hill and Markland Street in the City of Markham, providing a new four-lane road over Highway 404 and the Rouge River
- Extending Cachet Woods Court to connect to the newly constructed road crossing
- Constructing a bridge over Highway 404 and a bridge over the Rouge River
- Installing sidewalks, multi-use pathways and landscaping
- Caring for the environment by planting thousands of native trees and plants, stabilizing and naturalizing the river and improving storm water quality

Construction Update
Fall 2024
- Crews are building the overpass structure that connects to the new road crossing on the east and west side of Highway 404
- A retaining wall is taking shape on the Rouge River bridge; the riverbanks are stabilized and ready for planting
- On Cachet Woods Court, work is being done to connect the road to the future road crossing; sanitary and storm services have been extended and fill is being placed to build up the road
- Road widening continues on Markland Street and Orlando Avenue; sewer and watermain work is expected to start in the coming weeks

Impacts to residents and travellers
- Traffic may shift to accommodate construction
- Lane reductions will be required during off-peak hours from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Night work and lane closures may be required on Regional roads, local roads, and Highway 404
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of this project?
At the end of this project, citizens can look forward to:
- An additional route for all travellers across Highway 404 between 16th Avenue and Major Mackenzie Drive; this new route will provide more access and alternatives to businesses and residents, as well as beyond the immediate areas within the City of Markham and City of Richmond Hill
Are there road closures associated with this project?
- There are no full road closures associated with this project at this time
- York Region will provide advance notice whenever possible
Are there lane closures or reductions associated with this project?
- Lane reductions will be required during off-peak hours from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to accommodate work
Will there be night work?
- Night work and lane closures may be required on regional roads, local roads, and Highway 404
Can pedestrians and cyclists still use the road during construction?
- Temporary pedestrian facilities will be maintained as part of each stage of construction
- On-street cycling on Markland Street will not be maintained, in order to construct the multi-use pathways
- The cycling facility connection to the existing multi-use pathway on the west side of Leslie Street will be temporarily closed when the intersection is reconstructed, and will be reinstated when construction is complete
How is the natural environment considered during construction?
- From the onset of construction, erosion and sediment control mechanisms will be implemented, such as filter socks which (in some cases) are staked into the ground around the construction area to trap sediment; this is especially critical should any areas naturally drain towards the Rouge River
- In the case of the existing roads, all catch basin grates will be covered with filter cloth to mitigate sediment travelling into the storm sewer systems
- During construction, these measures will be monitored and updated when required
- Tree removal was undertaken in advance of construction and with the support of an avian biologist to mitigate impact to breeding birds
- Work within areas of Redside dace habitat will be completed during specified timing windows which help mitigate impact. Much of this area includes the area adjacent to the Rouge River
- Work within the Rouge River Valley includes removal of barriers to Redside dace, including blockages and debris just north of where the bridge is to be constructed
- Integral to the project are low impact development (LID) features, including two infiltration areas in which stormwater from the new road and Rouge River bridge will drain, be treated and naturally infiltrate into the adjacent area
- A significant enhancement will be made to the Rouge River floodplain, including planting over 10,000 trees, shrubs and grasses
Construction Reminders
For everyone’s safety, please reduce your speed through the construction and contact us if you notice safety issues in and around the construction site. We appreciate your patience while work is taking place.
Travellers are encouraged to use traffic and navigation tools. York Region provides real-time traffic and road information in open data, used by many apps.
This work may be rescheduled due to weather conditions. York Region will provide advance notice whenever possible.
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We're here to answer your questions. Send an email to @email quoting "Highway 404 Road Crossing Project" if you have any further inquiries.
For more information on other York Region construction projects, please visit the Road Construction Schedule page.
General Inquiries:
York Region Transportation, Public Works
Phone: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75000
TTY: 1-866-512-6228
After hours emergency: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75200
Accessible formats of this notice and communication supports are available upon request.