Clause 5 in Report No. 1 of Committee of the Whole was adopted, without amendment, by the Council of The Regional Municipality of York at its meeting held on January 21, 2016.
Report No. 3 of the
Transportation Master Plan Advisory Task Force
Meeting Held on November 26, 2015
For Consideration by
Committee of the Whole of
The Regional Municipality of York
on January 14, 2016
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Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office, @email, 18774649675 extension 71320]
The Transportation Master Plan Advisory Task Force meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. on November 26, 2015. Regional Chair Emmerson chaired the meeting.
The following were in attendance:
W. Emmerson
G. Dawe, M. Ferri, J. Li, V. Spatafora, J. Taylor, D. Wheeler
D. Barrow
S. Alibhai, L. Bigioni, P. Casey, A.M. Carroll, S. Collins, B. Hughes, D. Kostopoulos, D. Lindeblom, B. Macgregor, C. Martin, P. May, R. Roy, G. Szobel, B. Titherington, M.F. Turner
[Click on the title "Presentations" below to view a combined file of the meeting's presentations]
Presentations [4.7MB]
1. Context Setting
The Task Force recommends receipt of the presentation by Mary-Frances Turner, President, York Region Rapid Transit Corporation regarding “Context Setting”, including an overview of the following Transportation Master Plan objectives:
• Creating a world class transit system by making transit more convenient and accessible
• Developing a road network fit for the future through the provision of a finer, more permeable street network to improve system capacity and create streets that are destinations
• Integrating Active Transportation in Urban Areas by providing more pedestrian and cycling facilities
• Maximizing the potential of employment areas by improving the efficient movement of people and goods on regional roads to help support the Region’s economy
• Making the last mile work by enabling integrated mobility systems and advancing innovation in technology to encourage more sustainable travel choices
2. How Do We Change Travel Behaviour?
The Task Force recommends receipt of the presentation by Professor Dilip Soman of the University of Toronto regarding insights on behavioural science with principles on how to incent or “nudge” behavioural change to make the “last mile” of change work.
3. The Foundation
The Task Force recommends receipt of the presentation by Sandra Malcic, Manager, Policy and Environment regarding “The Foundation”, an overview of existing Regional Official Plan policies supporting the Transportation Master Plan.
4. Policy Review and Discussion
The Task Force recommends receipt of the presentation by Stephen Collins, Director, Infrastructure Management and Project Management Office, and Angela Gibson, Head, Performance Monitoring and Research regarding “Policy Review and Discussion”. The presentation included a detailed review of the following Transportation Master Plan policy areas:
• Finer grid network
• Corridor evolution
• Commuter parking management
• Goods Movement
• Boulevard jurisdiction
The presentation also included a review of emerging trends in transportation and discussion of the following actions that will contribute to making the “last mile” of the Transportation Master Plan work:
• Enabling better travel choices through technology
• Providing fare integration
• Enabling and promoting active transportation
• Filling physical gaps in the transportation network
• Improving transit access and egress
• Integrating commuter parking
5. Next Steps
The Task Force recommends receipt of the presentation by Daniel Kostopoulos, Commissioner of Transportation Services regarding next steps for the Task Force, which include public consultation meetings in December and a discussion of transit network alternatives at the next meeting in January.
There was also a screening of the video presentation “Transportation Master Plan: Your Community, Your Say” which will be posted on YouTube and played at the public consultation meetings.
Other Business
6. Schedule of Future Meetings
The 2016 meetings of the Transportation Master Plan Advisory Task Force will be held on:
• January 13, 2016
• February 10, 2016
• April 13, 2016
• June 15, 2016 (as needed)
• September 14, 2016 (as needed)
The Transportation Master Plan Advisory Task Force meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
November 26, 2015 W. Emmerson
Newmarket, Ontario Regional Chair
Carrie Martin
(905) 830-4444 x71303