Agendas, Minutes and Reports
The 2025 Council and Committee meeting calendar shows scheduled meetings for this calendar year.
Meeting agendas, minutes and reports are posted here. Agendas are available on the Friday evening prior to the meeting.
Regional Council, Committee of the Whole, and York Region Rapid Transit Corporation meetings are held in a hybrid format where Council members and the public have a choice to attend either in person or electronically. All other meetings will continue to be held electronically until further notice.
All public meetings of Council, Committees and Boards can be watched through the live stream.
Submit a Letter or Request to Speak to a Committee
NEW: Written correspondence must be submitted to the Regional Clerk’s Office by 12 noon two days before the meeting. Deputation requests must be submitted by 12 noon on the day before the meeting.
Information provided, other than personal contact information, will appear on a public agenda. Letters or deputations must deal with municipal issues within the Committee’s jurisdiction.
Submit a Letter
Submit a Deputation Request
Note: Please use an updated web browser to view meeting information below (Internet Explorer is no longer supported).