York Region Deputation Request

  • Current Meeting Information
  • Contact Information
  • Complete

This Form and any additional information for consideration by Council or Committee must be submitted to the Regional Clerk’s Office by:  
12:00 noon one (1) business day prior to the requested meeting date

The information provided in this section of the form will be printed on a public agenda.

Meeting Type
Please enter the Agenda Item Number you would like to refer to. If you do not know this information, please leave the field blank
This element is required. If you do not know the date please leave this field blank
Please enter the name of the spokesperson who will be presenting the deputation
Please enter the name of Group or Person(s) being Reperesented. If this is not applicable to your deputation, please leave the field blank
Please provide a brief summary of the issue or the purpose of the deputation. The maximum number of characters in this field is 500 charcters
Please indicate if you wish to depute in person or virtually
If you have any supplementary documentation for your deputation request, please upload it here
Do you have presentation materials to submit?
Have you been in contact with a Regional staff member or Regional Council member regarding this matter?
Please advise if you have been in contact with a Regional staff member or Regional Council Member regarding this matter. This will assist us in gathering all pertinent information prior to the deputation