Community Investment Fund
The Community Investment Fund invests in local initiatives delivered by not-for-profit community agencies and other partners. These initiatives target gaps in the delivery of human services, complement or enhance Regional programs and deliver on policy priorities set by Regional Council.
The Region is committed to strengthening community capacity and social infrastructure to improve the ability of communities to identify and respond to the needs of residents.
The Community Development Newsletter is a biweekly email that provides sector-based, up-to-date information on funding, professional development and training opportunities.
2025 Funded Projects and Initiatives
Community Projects
360 kids
Landlord Engagement Specialist
Engage and connect landlords and property managers to prospective youth tenants and support landlord-tenant relationship to resolve issues and maintain tenancy.
Blue Door Support Services
Housing For All
Creation of a vulnerable tenants handbook with information and resources specific to marginalized populations facing homelessness and support for the securing of donated properties and housing units for use as community-owned affordable housing (Affordable Housing Land Trust).
Wellness Warriors
Psychotherapy support and wellness workshops for participants of Blue Door’s employment social enterprise program, Construct.
Canadian Centre for Housing Rights
Capacity Building and Education on the Right to Housing in York Region
Housing rights workshops and Region-specific housing rights resources for residents and front-line workers to assist low-income and equity-deserving individuals to stabilize their housing.
Housing Access, Stabilization, and Eviction Prevention
Legal information, advice, system navigation, and referrals to pro bono legal assistance for renters facing eviction and housing insecurity in York Region.
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) – York and South Simcoe
Gender Affirming Health Clinic
Counselling, referrals, and/or support for residents who identify as transgender.
Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association
South and East Asian Mental Well-being Endeavors In Action
Engagement of caregivers and residents as volunteer Community Ambassadors to conduct culturally-appropriate and trauma-informed theatre performances to support positive mental health outcomes.
CAYR Community Connections
Rainbow Space Youth
Mentorship and peer support program to provide supportive spaces for LGBTQ2S+ youth aged 13 to 20 to build resilience and reduce negative mental health impacts.
Community and Home Assistance to Seniors (CHATS)
Hoarding/Tenancy Risk Reduction Services
Support to low-income adults living with mental illness, specifically hoarding disorder, to achieve sustainable and positive behaviour change that reduces risk of housing loss.
Community Legal Clinic of York Region
Tenant Rights Education for Newcomers
Housing rights education to newcomer tenants.
EFRY Hope and Help for Women
Court Liaison/Community Counselling Program
Counselling for marginalized women who are experiencing homelessness or in conflict with the law to support reintegration in the community and promote personal well-being.
Family Services York Region
Families and Schools Together
Supports for newcomer parents to strengthen parenting skills for academic performance, attendance and address behavioural issues with their children.
Mental Well-Being Outreach and Support Services
Culturally and linguistically appropriate counselling and mentorship for newcomers to address social and emotional issues.
Priority Counselling Services
Prioritized counselling services for residents from equity-seeking and marginalized populations who are currently waitlisted for services.
Girls Inc. of York Region
Improving Mental Health and Well-Being Outcomes for Vulnerable Girls
Counselling sessions with a Social Worker and Psychotherapist for girls aged 6 to 18 from vulnerable and marginalized communities, and parents, wellness and safety checks by Social Workers, and assessments, referrals, and system navigation support.
Hong Fook Mental Health Association
Asian Youth Mental Health Clinic Counselling
Counselling, psychoeducational groups, and community outreach to immigrant youth of Asian ethnicity aged 12 to 29, and their families.
Strengthening Healthy Interconnected Families Together (SHIFT)
Workshops for Asian youth aged 12 to 29 on mental health and mental illness signs and symptoms, development of a peer-support Youth Ambassador training curriculum with emphasis on developing self-expression, confidence, leadership skills, and mental health knowledge.
Human Endeavour
Information for Newcomer Families on Mental Health
Culturally sensitive and linguistically accessible mental health promotion and prevention services, resources, and community engagement opportunities for newcomer families.
Inn from the Cold Inc.
Housing Retention Program
Case management to residents with high risk of recidivism back into homelessness to maintain housing retention.
Jewish Family and Child Service of Greater Toronto
Housing Program Worker
Housing assessment, case management, search/placement support, eviction prevention, stabilization and referrals.
Supports to reduce social isolation and improve mental health for women impacted by intimate partner violence.
New Horizon: Empowering Women on their Path to Independence
Supports to reduce social isolation and improve mental health for women impacted by intimate partner violence.
John Howard Society of York Region
Access to Home
Intervention, community reintegration, and intensive case management of precariously housed adults in York Region, with a focus on those involved with the justice system.
Family and Adult Intervention and Reunification
Comprehensive wraparound supports (e.g., counselling services, peer support, and system navigation) for families of individuals who were in contact with the criminal justice system.
Lance Krasman Memorial Centre for Community Mental Health
Peer Support Pathways to Well-being
Peer-based recovery education group services that will provide access to immediate support and mental health resources.
Learning Disabilities Association of York Region
Strategies for Life
Counselling program for young people aged 19 to 29 to build life skills and enhance well-being of individuals with diagnosed learning disabilities and/or ADHD.
LOFT Community Services
Crosslinks Supported Eviction Prevention Pilot
Individualized and group-based life-enrichment supports tailored towards addressing challenges for tenants in social housing experiencing complex mental health and addiction challenges so that they can live sustainably and independently in their communities.
Midaynta Community Services
HomeSafe York
Culturally sensitive tenants' rights education and advocacy, information and system navigation, landlord engagement, and housing counseling and support.
Newmarket African Caribbean Canadian Association
Black Community Mental Wellness
Mental wellness support services (e.g., counselling services, cultural workshops, and recreational activities) that are focused on improving the mental health and well-being of the Black community.
Next Generation Arts
H.E.A.L. (Health Empowerment & Arts Leverage)
Art-based trauma-informed program that utilizes the power of the arts to engage youth in unpacking and processing feelings and experiences with grief, trauma, violence and mental health challenges.
Project Abraham
Reaching Yezidis: Support and Empowerment
Trauma-informed and culturally sensitive life management services for Yezidi newcomer women.
The Housing Help Centre
Eviction Prevention Through Information Dissemination, Mediation, Settlement and Re-Housing
Information dissemination to target populations, y landlord-tenant mediation and settlements, and tenant rehousing supports.
VHA Home Healthcare
Rebound and Reclaim
Comprehensive cleaning services and ongoing support to individuals with serious mental illness and/or physical disabilities, at-risk of eviction.
Women’s Support Network of York Region
Enhancing Youth Safety: Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Supporting Survivors
Partnership with Aura Freedom International to address the needs of youth at risk of and affected by human trafficking and sexual or gender-based violence in York Region. Services will include individual counselling and education workshops.
Meeting the Needs of Sexual Violence Survivors in York Region
Crisis online chat and texting service, counselling and outreach, virtual drop-in and art group for survivors of domestic violence.
Yellow Brick House
Pathways to Mental Health Support
Mental Health Counsellor to provide trauma training to staff and counselling for clients.
Support for Survivors: Ensuring Housing Security
Personalized consultations, ensuring ongoing support during the housing transition process, and securing long-term housing for those affected by domestic violence.
Your Support Services Network
Outreach Mobile Support Team
Mental health crisis worker to provide accessible follow-up support to individuals and families who have contacted police services for a non-urgent mental health reason.
Youth Assisting Youth
Lifeline Program
Mental health counselling for children and youth aged 6 to 15, their mentors (aged 16 to 29), and parents/caregivers and the development enhanced mental health training for youth mentors.
Funding Opportunities
There are currently no open community investment fund calls for project applications.
Have an inquiry about York Region’s Community Investment Fund? Interested in learning more or have an idea for a community project? Please connect with us at @email
Related Resources
- York Region Community Investment Fund 2023 Activity Report
- Report to Regional Council on Community Investment Fund Investment Priorities for this Council Term (May 2023)
- Community Investment Fund Program Framework
- Report to Regional Council on New Community Investment Find Program Framework (October 2021)
- Community Supports
- Statistics and Data Resources