Digitally Transforming York Region

YorkNet is a York Region-owned corporation that builds and operates a high-speed, dark fibre network across the Region in an effort to create equitable access to high-speed internet.
Want to stay up-to-date with YorkNet latest initiatives?
Upcoming connections
The YorkNet team and Galaxy Fibre, our Internet Service Provider partner, are getting ready to connect eligible underserved homes under the Universal Broadband Fund.
Defined by federal and provincial eligible funding criteria, underserved is considered internet speeds below 50 megabits per second (Mbps) download and 10 Mbps upload.
- Download speed: The speed at which data, including files, websites, pictures, music, and movies, is being delivered to you from the internet
- Upload speed: The speed at which data is traveling from you to the internet
Galaxy Fibre is currently visiting the following areas where they will be offering high-speed services to eligible homes.
As expansion of the network continues and we get closer to lighting up more communities, stay tuned to yorknet.ca and our newsletter for more details.
The maps below should be used as a visual for reference purposes. Information is subject to change. Due to unforeseen external factors, some of the connections scheduled for 2024 will not be completed as planned. Our team is diligently working through the winter to complete as many connections as possible. Please note that weather conditions play a crucial role, and connections cannot be completed if the ground is frozen. Any remaining connections will be prioritized for completion in 2025.
Pefferlaw (Town of Georgina)

Eligible homes located in the purple sections are eligible to begin receiving Galaxy Fibre services in 2024. Galaxy Fibre continues to install new customers who signed up for services. Once the fibre cable has been brought to homes, Galaxy Fibre will reach out to customers with more details on their home installation.
The eligible homes in the green areas will be prioritized for connections in 2025, once all electronics and equipment are installed. Interested residents can sign up for services to take advantage of introductory offers that will be honoured.
Cook's Bay (Town of Georgina)

Eligible homes located in the green sections can sign up to receive Galaxy Fibre services when the network is ready in 2024. Due to unforeseen external factors, some of the connections scheduled for 2024 will not be completed as planned. Our team is diligently working through the winter to complete as many connections as possible. Please note that weather conditions play a crucial role, and connections cannot be completed if the ground is frozen. Any remaining connections will be prioritized for completion in 2025.
The eligible homes in the purple areas will be prioritized for connections in 2025, once all electronics and equipment are installed. Interested residents can sign up for services when the network is ready in 2025.
Glenville (Township of King)

Eligible homes located in the green sections can sign up to receive Galaxy Fibre services when the network is ready later in 2024. Due to unforeseen external factors, some of the connections scheduled for 2024 will not be completed as planned. Our team is diligently working through the winter to complete as many connections as possible. Please note that weather conditions play a crucial role, and connections cannot be completed if the ground is frozen. Any remaining connections will be prioritized for completion in 2025.
The eligible homes in the purple areas will be connected in 2025, once all electronics and equipment are installed. Interested residents can sign up for services when the network is ready in 2025.
Queensville (Town of East Gwillimbury)

Eligible homes located in the green sections can sign up to receive Galaxy Fibre services when the network is ready later in 2024. Due to unforeseen external factors, some of the connections scheduled for 2024 will not be completed as planned. Our team is diligently working through the winter to finalize as many connections as possible. Please note that weather conditions play a crucial role, and connections cannot be completed if the ground is frozen. Any remaining connections will be prioritized for completion in 2025.
The eligible homes in the purple areas will be connected in 2025, once all electronics and equipment are installed. Interested residents can sign up for services when the network is ready in 2025.
YorkNet’s Expansion
YorkNet has and continues to make considerable progress to deliver equitable access to reliable, cost-effective broadband in its underserved communities. Guided by the expansion of YorkNet’s fibre network, what was once a vision to connect all corners of the Region is starting to become an exciting reality. Together with investments from the federal and provincial governments, York Region and YorkNet’s Internet Service Partner GalaxyFibre will expand the network by hundreds of kilometres and reach thousands of underserved homes by 2025.
Galaxy Fibre and YorkNet are working together to revolutionize internet connectivity in the underserved areas of York Region.
Once YorkNet has installed the dark fibre infrastructure underground, Galaxy Fibre will connect to the network to begin offering eligible underserved homes high-speed Internet.
If you live in an eligible underserved area, you may be wondering when you will start to receive high-speed internet services. YorkNet is committed to engaging and communicating with citizens and interested parties throughout the network expansion. We’re excited to be on this digital journey with you! To receive project updates on YorkNet’s dark fibre network expansion, please sign up today.
Eligible funding areas in specific parts of York Region were deemed underserved by criteria selected by the federal and provincial governments. An interactive map made available by the Ontario government shows provincially funded high-speed internet projects across the province in underserved areas.
To receive information on when Galaxy Fibre will be unleashing its lightning-fast 100% fibre internet services in your area, visit Galaxy Fibre to sign up for updates.
If your area is deemed served but you have poor internet services, please email @email to allow the YorkNet team to investigate.
YorkNet Expansion Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When will I get high-speed internet?
A: YorkNet’s expansion is a multi-year, multi-phase project. Construction across our municipalities is expected to be fully completed by the end of 2025. Internet services delivered by a third-party provider will become available after construction is completed. It is anticipated high-speed services will be offered starting in mid-2024.
Information Sessions have been held in communities across the Region to provide an overview of YorkNet’s role in bringing dark fibre to underserved communities to enable high-speed internet access.
Stay in the loop to receive the latest updates on upcoming information sessions and construction updates.
Q: Does YorkNet provide high-speed internet services?
A: No, YorkNet installs dark-fibre infrastructure under the ground, they do not supply Internet services directly to homes.
It may be helpful to picture YorkNet’s dark fibre network like a digital highway. The YorkNet team builds the dark fibre network or highway but it isn’t open to traffic yet. When the traffic is ready to run on it, Galaxy Fibre the Internet Service Provider of the project will work with YorkNet to put the cars on the road, in other words they will light the fibre to bring high-speed internet to homes.
Q: How do I know if YorkNet is placing dark fibre infrastructure in my neighbourhood?
A: An interactive map made available by the Ontario government shows provincially funded high-speed internet projects across the province in underserved areas. By clicking on your street, you can identify if you are part of YorkNet’s project.
Q: How was it determined what areas/streets got high-speed?
A: Individuals streets were deemed underserved by the federal and provincial governments. Funding was only available to underserved streets.
An interactive map made available by the Ontario government shows provincially funded high-speed internet projects across the province in underserved areas.
Q: What if I have poor internet connectivity, but my area was deemed served?
A: If your area is deemed served but you have poor internet services, please email @email to allow the YorkNet team to investigate.
YorkNet Spotlight
Together with many partners within the private and public sectors, YorkNet is working to enhance Regional services and bring improved internet connectivity to municipal facilities, businesses and residents across the region.
Here’s a snapshot of how the YorkNet team is working to bridge the digital divide in York Region:
- YorkNet eNews: YorkNet's Network Expansion Update - Year in Review (Winter 2024)
- 2023 YorkNet Annual Report
- 2023 Canada Community Building Fund (CCBF) video feature presented by AMO (2023)
- Universal Broadband Fund (UBF) Announcement (2023)
- YorkNet Celebrates First Connections in Town of Georgina | York Region
YorkNet Archives

Growing York Region’s dark fibre network
Improve the delivery of Regional services, such as traffic management, transit systems, water/wastewater control management, security monitoring, policing and cloud-enabled applications.

Collaborating with public-sector organizations to improve high-speed internet service
Work with municipalities, hospitals, libraries, fire halls, schools, community centres and other public sector organizations to improve the broadband services they deliver using our network.

Providing private-sector organizations with open access to the network
Drive economic and social benefits and enhance broadband service for the Region’s residents and businesses, particularly in rural and underserved areas of the Region.
YTN Telecom Network Inc. (YorkNet is the operational name) is a Municipal Services Corporation. YorkNet’s operations are governed by the Ontario Business Corporations Act (OBCA), rather than the Municipal Act, as is the case for York Region and all municipalities in Ontario.
Board of Directors (shown from left to right)
Chair of the Board, Mayor Margaret Quirk, Town of Georgina
Vice Chair of the Board, Mayor Steven Pellegrini, Township of King
Chairman and CEO, Eric Jolliffe, York Region
Mayor Iain Lovatt, Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
Mayor Frank Scarpitti, City of Markham
Regional Councillor, Michael Chan, City of Markham
Regional Councillor, Joe DiPaola, City of Richmond Hill
Regional Councillor, Mario G. Racco, City of Vaughan
Regional Councillor, Tom Vegh, Town of Newmarket

2024 Accessibility Plan – Non-Dominant Carriers under the Telecommunications Act
The Accessible Canada Act (ACA) and the Accessible Canada Regulations (regulations) require that federally regulated entities prepare and publish accessibility plans. YorkNet is a wholly-owned subsidiary of York Region. YorkNet operates York Region’s dark fibre network and both York Region and YorkNet are regulated as non-dominant carriers under the Telecommunications Act. This ACA Accessibility Plan was prepared by YorkNet on behalf of York Region and YorkNet and it and will be continually reviewed and updated yearly.
York Region has an established Accessibility Plan under provincial legislation which York Region uses when it undertakes actions or supplies services to YorkNet or on its own behalf. Our ACA Accessibility Plan builds on the work identified in the Region’s Multi-Year Accessibility Plan to improve accessibility across York Region. Consultations, improvements, actions and learnings from the development of the Region’s accessibility plan were used to guide and develop the ACA Accessibility Plan.
How to provide feedback
YorkNet has a process for receiving and responding to feedback, including feedback on how services are delivered to persons with disabilities.
The designated official under the ACA for YorkNet is the General Manager of YorkNet. Any feedback on this plan or on accessibility can be addressed to the designated official.
We welcome your feedback about any accessibility barriers you’ve experienced.
The designated official is responsible for addressing accessibility feedback. You can provide feedback by online form, email, phone or mail. We will acknowledge accessibility feedback received, other than feedback provided anonymously. All feedback received, other than that submitted anonymously, will be acknowledged within 48 hours. If contact information is shared, we may follow up with you. Personal information you provide will remain confidential and will be managed following privacy laws. This information will only be shared per these laws or with your consent.
- Online: Accessible Canada Act feedback form
- Mail:
General Manager of YorkNet
YorkNet, Accessibility Feedback
17150 Yonge St, Newmarket, ON L3Y 8V3 - Phone: Accessibility feedback line 1-877-464-9675 ext. 71492
- Email: @email (include “Accessibility Feedback” in the subject line)
If you need a description of the accessibility feedback process or the accessibility plan in a different format, please contact us. We can provide it in print, large print, braille, audio or electronic format or other agreed-upon formats.
For more information or to request an alternate format
Alternate formats include, but are not limited to, print (hard copy), large print, braille, audio and electronic.
Contact methods
- Mailing address:
General Manager of YorkNet
YorkNet, Accessibility Feedback
17150 Yonge St, Newmarket, ON L3Y 8V3 - Phone: Accessibility feedback line 1-877-464-9675 ext. 71492
- Email: @email (include “Accessibility Feedback” in the subject line)
Definitions of the Act
“means anything—including anything physical, architectural, technological or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice—that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment or a functional limitation.”
“means any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment—or a functional limitation—whether permanent, temporary or episodic in nature, or evident or not, that, in interaction with a barrier, hinders a person’s full and equal participation in society.”
Accessibility Plan
Accessibility statement
York Region and YorkNet Statement of Organizational Commitment
The Regional Municipality of York (York Region) and its wholly-owned subsidiary, YTN Telecom Network Inc. (YorkNet) are committed to meeting the accessibility needs of people with disabilities in a timely and proactive manner and will use reasonable efforts to provide equitable access to its programs, goods, services and facilities in a way that respects a person’s dignity and independence.
Further consultation will be required to identify barriers to employment within our organizations as we strive for continuous improvement. YorkNet’s employment services are provided by York Region. York Region is committed to improving accessibility and creating an accessible work environment for all employees across the employment life cycle. A detailed list of York Region’s actions and its consultation process can be found in our Accessibility Plans.
The built environment
Further consultation will be required to identify barriers within the built environments managed by our organizations as we strive for continuous improvement. The headquarters for the telecommunications operations for YorkNet is located within one of the administrative buildings owned by York Region. York Region is committed to improving accessibility in its built environment and incorporates accessibility features when building new, or making planned significant alterations to existing, Region-controlled public spaces. A detailed list of York Region’s actions and its consultation process can be found in our Accessibility Plans.
Information and communication technologies (ICT)
York Region’s IT Services Branch is responsible for the provision of all IT related services for YorkNet. York Region prioritizes meeting Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) Level AA. YorkNet and York Region will continue to make improvements to make information easy to find through technology. A detailed list of York Region’s actions and its consultation process can be found in in our Accessibility Plans.
Communication, other than ICT
York Region and YorkNet prioritize offering an excellent accessible communications experience to everyone through the following actions:
- Provide Accessible Customer Service training to all staff and volunteers, and to agents who provide service to the public on our behalf
- Accommodate the use of assistive devices, support persons and service animals
- Receive and respond to feedback regarding the manner in which goods or services are provided to people with disabilities
- Provide notice of temporary service disruptions to programs, services or facilities
Some areas of improvement include ensuring customer service numbers and contact information is easy to find and accessible and making any automated systems accessible and easy to use.
Procurement of goods, services and facilities
York Region’s Procurement Office is responsible for the provision of all procurement related services for YorkNet. York Region is taking steps to review and update the Region’s accessible procurement practices and procedures in place to ensure they are up to date and reflect best practices. Where possible, York Region includes accessibility criteria when buying or acquiring goods, services, facilities and self-service kiosks. If it is not practicable to do so, staff will provide an explanation, upon request. The Region considers accessibility, along with other criteria like the quality and the cost.
The ACA requires an Accessibility Plan to be developed, reviewed and updated in consultation with persons with disabilities. The ACA Accessibility Plan for York Region and YorkNet relies and builds on the work to improve accessibility across York Region undertaken as part of our existing accessibility plan. YorkNet and York Region use the consultations, improvements, actions and learnings from the development of the accessibility plan to guide and develop the ACA Accessibility Plan.
As part of York Region’s obligations under provincial legislation, York Region has been conducting consultations and has established an Accessibility Advisory Committee. York Region collects feedback about its existing accessibility plan from people with disabilities, the community and the York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee (YRAAC). The York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee (YRAAC) celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2023. Since its inception in 2003, YRAAC members have participated in more than 90 formal meetings and provided feedback and consultation on over 250 presentations. YRAAC will be consulted on an ongoing basis in the development of our ACA Accessibility Plan.
Past consultations have been undertaken with staff, including meetings and one-on-one conversations with subject matter experts, consultations with York Region’s Community of Belonging for Staff with Disabilities, and its Diversity and Inclusion Staff Committee on the development of provincial accessibility plans relied on and referred to by our ACA Accessibility Plan. The survey included targeted outreach to community agencies serving York Region residents with disabilities, Municipal Diversity and Inclusion Group (MDIG), York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee (YRAAC) and accessibility advisory committees within York Region’s nine local municipalities.
Telecommunication and Internet Service Providers
Unlock your digital future with YorkNet
Telecommunication and internet service providers can access YorkNet’s dark fibre network for flexible capacity and connectivity options, including the opportunity to:
- Extend network footprint across York Region
- Take advantage of YorkNet’s high-quality network
- Access dark fibre and scale bandwidth to meet consumer demand
- Ability to service customers faster and more cost-effectively
- Supporting high-bandwidth activities such as cloud-based applications and remote data centre operations
Contact Us
For more information on partnering with YorkNet to deliver or receive high-speed internet in York Region, please contact @email.