Keele Street Improvements
York Region is investing in building a safe, efficient and reliable Regional transportation network for all users. Improvements to Keele Street from Steeles Avenue to 407 ETR began in spring 2021 to accommodate growth and provide more travel options for all.
Construction start: May 2021
Construction completion: Fall 2024

The Keele Street improvements have been completed in phases to minimize disruption to travellers. Improvements include:
- Widening the roadway from four to six lanes, with on-street bicycle lanes
- Replacing the bridge over the CN railway tracks
- Extending and creating a continuous sidewalk to 407 ETR on both sides of Keele Street
- Upgrading all the intersections and street lighting to meet current Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requirements
Construction Update
Road work is complete and final restoration is underway.
Outstanding work may require lane reductions.
Work that has been completed:
- Watermain installation on behalf of the City of Vaughan
- Road improvements and a new bridge was built
- Intersections upgraded to meet current Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requirements
- Continuous sidewalk to 407 ETR on both sides of Keele Street

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of this project?
- Widening the roadway will accommodate more travellers and alleviate traffic along the corridor
- Active transportation improvements will allow more travel options for all users
- Roadway rehabilitation and resurfacing work provides safer travel for all users
Are there any lane closures or reductions associated with this project?
- We will maintain a minimum of two lanes of traffic in each direction during peak hours based on the traffic condition at the time of construction
- Off-peak lane reductions may be required between 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to facilitate construction
- Short duration lane closures will be permitted when controlled by flag persons for the delivery and removal of material and equipment. The short duration lane closures will not exceed 10 minutes during a one hour period
- The Highway 407 ramp restrictions and closures may be required between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. This restriction and closure will not happen every night
Is there any night work associated with this project?
- Top course paving will be completed at night between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. to minimize traffic disruption
- Night work will be required for water service connections to commercial and office buildings
- Work related to closing the ramps to and from Highway 407 will be done at night between 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.
- Night work may be required within the CN Rail corridor
- Lanes may be reduced to one lane in each direction when required
Why is the CN Bridge being replaced?
- The CN Bridge is nearing the end of its service life and is in need of replacement to meet the current railway and road requirements
- A new bridge will be constructed and the old CN Bridge will be demolished
Can pedestrians and cyclists still use the road?
- The existing sidewalk on the west side of Keele Street will be maintained as long as possible. There is currently no sidewalk on the east side of Keele Street
- There is no continuous sidewalk at this time on both the west and east of Keele Street for pedestrians and cyclists to utilize
- Once construction is complete, there will be a continuous sidewalk on both the east and west side of Keele Street from Steeles Avenue to Highway 407
Why are these improvements taking place?
- York Regional Council continues to invest and make transportation improvements a priority, outlined in the 10-year Roads and Transit Capital Construction Program
- Roads are identified for improvements for a variety of reasons including enhancing safety for pedestrians and cyclists, managing assets in a state of good repair and improving traffic flow to accommodate population growth by adding new lanes or creating new roads
- To support the growing communities in Vaughan, construction is planned for over 20 locations in the next five years. These projects will include:
- Road reconstruction and widening
- New transit terminal connecting to the new Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital
- Intersection upgrades and improvements to enhance traffic operations
- Pavement repair, preservation and rehabilitation
- As York Region’s population and businesses grow, public roads are accommodating more travellers, goods and services
- Vaughan’s population is forecasted to grow from 316,000 in 2016 to 497,400 by 2041
- Vaughan’s employment is forecasted to grow from 209,200 jobs in 2016 to 321,500 jobs by 2041
- The travel growth in the area (daily trips to and from Vaughan) is forecasted to grow from 895,400 in 2016 to 1,315,700 by 2041, an 47% increase
- By expanding or upgrading infrastructure, we are ensuring we meet the needs of our growing communities now, rather than waiting until we run out of capacity
Why is this construction happening all at once?
- York Region has a 10-year Roads and Transit Capital Construction Program which outlines infrastructure projects across the Region. Capital projects are undertaken to improve the community for all York Region residents
- While serving growth remains important, capital spending also focuses on asset management to extend the life of assets, such as roads and bridges, and reduce total costs over their life cycle. Over the next 10 years, $1.4 billion will go to rehabilitating and replacing existing assets. These investments help ensure that assets are in a state of good repair for current and future residents
- The Region and the City of Vaughan are investing in transportation improvements over the next five years to support the record growth in the area, the construction being completed by our partners and to maintain our roads in a state of good repair
- Infrastructure being constructed by the Region and our partners includes:
- Road widening and York Region Transit (YRT) bus terminal construction on Major Mackenzie Drive, from Highway 400 to Jane Street, with a direct benefit to the newly constructed Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital
- Installation of water, wastewater and telecom infrastructure and planting street trees as part of road construction projects
- Infrastructure being constructed by the Region and our partners includes:
- The Region is addressing the growing needs of City of Vaughan residents, businesses and the travelling public, as traffic congestion is identified as the number one public concern in Vaughan
- To maximize as much work as possible, the majority of construction projects are completed in the warmer months when the ground is not frozen and temperatures for mixing and laying asphalt is ideal and traffic volumes are lower
Does York Region coordinate with other projects happening in the area?
Whenever possible, York Region coordinates with the City of Vaughan, developers, utility companies, Environmental Services and other agency infrastructure programs, including the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO), Metrolinx, rail authorities, York Region Rapid Transit Corporation and York Telecom Network (YTN), when planning construction projects within the Region. Effective coordination may result in financial benefits and can help minimize impacting the public multiple times and reducing disruption to travellers
Due to the complexity and timing requirements of certain projects, it is sometimes not possible to avoid construction on adjacent or parallel roads
How are residents impacted by the project being informed?
- To help travellers plan ahead during road construction, we install advance signage, post messages on social media and our website, and distribute notices
- Travellers are encouraged to use traffic and navigation tools. York Region provides real-time traffic and road information in open data, used by many apps
- Find us on social media: @YorkRegionGovt
For everyone’s safety, please reduce your speed through the construction area and contact us if you notice any safety issues in and around the construction site.
Travellers are encouraged to use traffic and navigation tools. York Region provides real-time traffic and road information in open data, used by many apps.
This work may be rescheduled due to weather conditions. York Region will provide advance notice whenever possible.
There are other projects taking place in the area that are being led by the City of Vaughan or York Region. For more information visit the Road Construction Schedule page.
We’re here to answer your questions. To submit a comment, question or for more information, please reference Keele Street Improvements in your inquiry. Accessible formats of newsletters, notices or communication supports are available upon request.
General Inquiries:
York Region Transportation, Public Works
Phone: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75000
TTY: 1-866-512-6228
Email: @email
After-hours emergency: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75200