King Road Improvements
Construction start: Summer 2023
Anticipated completion: Summer 2025
York Region is making improvements to King Road from Yonge Street to Bond Crescent to improve the condition of the road and replace aging infrastructure, ensuring safe travel for all.

Improvements include:
- Reconstructing the existing road to improve its condition and to replace aging infrastructure
- Replacing a large culvert and storm sewers
- Upgrading the intersections at Bond Crescent and Yonge Street
- Installing a continuous sidewalk on the south side of King Road, from Yonge Street to Kingshill Road
- Replacing a watermain on behalf of the City of Richmond Hill between Bathurst Street and Yonge Street

Construction update
Winter 2024/2025
Crews have finished rebuilding the north side of King Road, conducting storm sewer work and replacing the watermain and culvert.
Traffic has shifted to the north side of King Road to accommodate construction on the south side.

Impacts to travellers
- King Road will be reduced to one lane in each direction throughout the duration of the project
- Weekend work may be required
Another York Region construction project will be taking place on Yonge Street, south of King Road during the construction period of this project. For more information on this project, visit:
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of this project?
At the end of this project, citizens can look forward to:
- A safer commute with rehabilitated roads, upgraded traffic signals that meet Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities (AODA) standards, and enhanced illumination
- Upgraded storm system to accommodate the future development in the area and quality control measures
- A new and wider culvert under King Road for the Humber tributary
- A continuous sidewalk on south side from Yonge Street to Kingshill Road
What is a culvert?
A culvert is a tunnel or crossing located under a road. It can be built to transport either water, people or animals.
Why do culverts need to be replaced?
York Region conducts routine inspections of its infrastructure. Through ongoing inspections, it has been determined that a culvert needs to be replaced to ensure safe travel on King Road.
Are there road closures associated with this project?
There are no full road closures associated with this project at this time. If required, York Region will provide advance notice whenever possible.
Are there lane closures or reductions associated with this project?
King Road will be reduced to one lane in each direction throughout the duration of the project .
Will there be night work or weekend work?
- There will be increased noise during the installation of the culvert. The new culvert is being installed on a pile foundation due to the existing soil conditions. A pile foundation is a steel structure that supports the culvert. It requires being installed deep into the ground until it reaches the soils that can support the culvert
- This work will take place during daytime working hours
Will a sidewalk be accessible for pedestrians during construction?
A sidewalk will be available for pedestrian use on one side of the road throughout the project.
How is the natural environment considered during construction?
- Environmental protection measures are included as a part of construction to protect the wetlands and watercourses
- York Region only removes trees if absolutely necessary. Each year, York Region plants thousands of trees and maintains Regional forests to offset the removal of trees during construction projects
How can residents stay informed?
- To help travellers plan ahead during road construction, we install advance signage, post messages on social media and our website, and distribute notices
- Travellers are encouraged to use traffic and navigation tools. York Region provides real-time traffic and road information in open data, used by many apps
- Find us on social media: @YorkRegionGovt
- Subscribe to receive project updates sent directly to your email
Construction Reminders
For everyone’s safety, please reduce your speed through the construction and contact us if you notice safety issues in and around the construction site. We appreciate your patience while work is taking place.
Travellers are encouraged to use traffic and navigation tools. York Region provides real-time traffic and road information in open data, used by many apps.
This work may be rescheduled due to weather conditions. York Region will provide advance notice whenever possible.
We’re here to answer your questions. Please quote “King Road Improvements” in your inquiry.
General Inquiries:
York Region Transportation Operations, Public Works
Phone: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75000
TTY: 1-866-512-6228
Email: [email protected]
After hours emergency: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75200
For more information on other York Region construction projects, please visit the Road Construction Schedule page